Hey everyone! So I'm finally back at university and thank goodness because I've been dying to write about what I actually do throughout the year an how everything builds up over the weeks, I have no idea how I've managed to keep the blog going over the summer without having my course to provide interesting topics...
So it's actually Monday morning when I'm writing this because I've been luckily enough to have them off this term (woo!) so I'm aiming to post a course update every Monday from now on to keep you updated on how my collection is going.
So what's happened in my first week of 4th year?
Apart from having to get up at 5:45am every morning!?
Well, it all started off with a few daydreams of me in my graduation gown but as the weeks gone on those thoughts have become few and far between! We've been getting lot of serious chat about how important the year is and whilst it is motivating to be told about how close you are to finishing university, constantly hearing the same thing can have the opposite effect. Come Friday I was so keen to enjoy the weekend! Especially since I left campus with 8 library books!
I have two management classes this term, one is strategic management and the other is international trade issues which are pretty interesting topics to read into. I've said before that I done business and stuff throughout high school so I'll be studying hard to get the grades that will (hopefully) contribute to a 1:1 degree this year! I'll maybe talk about these more over the coming months cause they can be pretty interesting topics (I promise!)
So anyway, my year is taken up mostly by my honours collection which is where I undertake an area of research and develop clothing to back up that research.
I can now tell you all that I've submitted my topic and tomorrow I'll discuss it with my year head. My chosen topic is an investigation into Origami and it's influence on high street fashion. This might change after tomorrow if my lecturer feels bits need tweaked but I'm pretty stoked to get my teeth into it all.
We've got a dissertation/report to do as a part of it which is pretty worrying but once I sit down and actually plan it all out I'll be a bit more confident in tackling my subject! We've had two mini workshops on dissertation writing and it's starting to sound a lot more in depth and complicated than I initially thought.
I have a few photos from the week to upload including a photo of my new mannequin!! I'm going to do a review on it later on this week, hopefully Wednesday because I've literally wanted one since I was 13 so I've got one so that I can continue to work from home this year as well.
So yeah! That's been week 1 at uni, there's a bunch of new stuff to learn but it's nice to back into the swing of things, can't wait to show you all how my collection turns out!
So here is this week in photos!!

In order to get a lie in we stay at a friends house in Galashiels on Thursday night! Here is a snapshot of me pre-sleepover
Thursday nights is also the night for the business homework...with wine...
The new mannequin I got at last!
A student fireplace
An origami structure created for my research project
The chaotic 5:45am 'hot girl disguise' workshop, I honestly dunno how I can function so early in the day
Playing about with origami structures on the mannequin
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