Hello again! Day 2 of what I'm hoping will be a 7 day period of make up product reviews for you all whilst I'm off recovering.
Today I want to share with you all my Nyx Macaron Lippies that I got imported over from America and for this review I want to follow criteria that I would usually look for when buying lipstick.
As you will all know my love of lipstick is extreme and there isn't really a brand I wouldn't be willing to at least try. So, when Shaaanxo put up a blog post about these Nyx Macaron Lippies and all the crazy colours they come in I couldn't help myself, I had to have them!
In order to get the lipsticks I had to order from the Nyx website and have them sent to a warehouse ran by an international shipping campany in Florida called MyUS and then get them shipped over here to Scotland and I have to say the service was really fast and relatively stress free. I would recommend MyUS to anyone and again, I found out about it through Shannon.
So onto the review!
First thing I'd like to point out is the bag that the lipsticks arrived in.
It's a nice little lace bag with the Nyx logo sewn onto the side and it wasn't mentioned when I purchased the lipsticks that one would be included so it is a really nice touch and it's totally different from any other bags I'd usually get with make up purchases, it's a little S&M and if I'm honest it reminded me of the sort of bag I expect to have lingerie inside!
Nyx were also nice enough to include a free lipliner in the colour 850 'Nectar' and it is this stunning copper shade that has a really nice sheen to it.
I have seen some swatch videos of these on Youtube where users have found that their lipstick actually rotates back down into the tube when they're using it which was a major red flag for me but I'm happy to say that none of these appear to have that problem. It is however something to keep in mind when purchasing these lipsticks as for those of us who ship internationally, it isn't exactly easy to return.
2. Price
It is impossible to argue with the price of these lipsticks, it cost $30 for all of these which translated into about £18.60 so each lipstick cost about £3.70 which is buttons compared to what I'd pay for a lipstick on the highsteet here. I think taking into account all the other elements such as the cannister, texture, colour range etc it is a fantastic price to pay for a lipstick.
3. Texture
I've tried the lipsticks on briefly and I will say that they are generally quite thick and creamy to apply. They are definitely buildable and some are much thicker than others, the "earl grey" is perhaps one of the thinner concistencies whilst the orange is perhaps a little bit thicker, probably to make the colour sit a lot more bolder on the lips but overall it feels nice on the lips and smells AMAZING!
4. Appearance
Here is a picture courtesy of http://www.musingsofamuse.com/2014/04/nyx-macaron-lippies.html that shows all 12 colours available in the Macaron range:
As you can see the colour range is extensive and are predominantly pastel-type colours, a key trend this winter! Some of these are some of the most unique colours I've seen in a long time especially the likes of key lime and earl grey.
So the 5 colours I have from the range are:
Number 2 Orange Blossom
Number 8 Earl Grey
Number 10 Black Sesame
Number 11 Coconut
Number 12 Chambord
I chose these colours because they're a bit out there and I've been looking for a good black lipstick for ageeees cause a while back I bought a black lipgloss from YSL. I also fell in love with the Earl Grey as soon as I saw it on Shannons blog.
So below is the colour Orange Blosson, sorry I've not swatched the colour on my lips but my face is still really swolen.
Out of all the colours I got this is definitely the most wearable and goes really well with the complimentary lip liner I recieved from Nyx. I am a sucker for orange/red lipsticks so this just seemed like a natural nest lip colour for me! I find it goes really well with my skin tone as well whereas if I was slightly sarker it could look a bit weird.
First thing I'd like to point out is the bag that the lipsticks arrived in.
It's a nice little lace bag with the Nyx logo sewn onto the side and it wasn't mentioned when I purchased the lipsticks that one would be included so it is a really nice touch and it's totally different from any other bags I'd usually get with make up purchases, it's a little S&M and if I'm honest it reminded me of the sort of bag I expect to have lingerie inside!
Nyx were also nice enough to include a free lipliner in the colour 850 'Nectar' and it is this stunning copper shade that has a really nice sheen to it.
As you can see in the picture below it is a really stunning colour, not something I would have probably bought myself which is why I'm so glad it was gifted to me because with on orange or red lipstick it could creatre a really pretty ombre style on the lip.
1. First Impression of Canister
The canisters for these lipsticks are by no means high end by I don't feel they look or feel particularly cheap either, they're what I'd expect from a sort of high street range make up item.I have seen some swatch videos of these on Youtube where users have found that their lipstick actually rotates back down into the tube when they're using it which was a major red flag for me but I'm happy to say that none of these appear to have that problem. It is however something to keep in mind when purchasing these lipsticks as for those of us who ship internationally, it isn't exactly easy to return.
2. Price
It is impossible to argue with the price of these lipsticks, it cost $30 for all of these which translated into about £18.60 so each lipstick cost about £3.70 which is buttons compared to what I'd pay for a lipstick on the highsteet here. I think taking into account all the other elements such as the cannister, texture, colour range etc it is a fantastic price to pay for a lipstick.
3. Texture
I've tried the lipsticks on briefly and I will say that they are generally quite thick and creamy to apply. They are definitely buildable and some are much thicker than others, the "earl grey" is perhaps one of the thinner concistencies whilst the orange is perhaps a little bit thicker, probably to make the colour sit a lot more bolder on the lips but overall it feels nice on the lips and smells AMAZING!
4. Appearance
Here is a picture courtesy of http://www.musingsofamuse.com/2014/04/nyx-macaron-lippies.html that shows all 12 colours available in the Macaron range:
As you can see the colour range is extensive and are predominantly pastel-type colours, a key trend this winter! Some of these are some of the most unique colours I've seen in a long time especially the likes of key lime and earl grey.
So the 5 colours I have from the range are:
Number 2 Orange Blossom
Number 8 Earl Grey
Number 10 Black Sesame
Number 11 Coconut
Number 12 Chambord
I chose these colours because they're a bit out there and I've been looking for a good black lipstick for ageeees cause a while back I bought a black lipgloss from YSL. I also fell in love with the Earl Grey as soon as I saw it on Shannons blog.
So below is the colour Orange Blosson, sorry I've not swatched the colour on my lips but my face is still really swolen.
Out of all the colours I got this is definitely the most wearable and goes really well with the complimentary lip liner I recieved from Nyx. I am a sucker for orange/red lipsticks so this just seemed like a natural nest lip colour for me! I find it goes really well with my skin tone as well whereas if I was slightly sarker it could look a bit weird.
This is Earl Grey the colour I absolutely fell in love with! It's totally out there but is really beautiful on. Safe to say I'm going to try and get away with wearing it once or twice to work if i can. This one I've not tried on my lips yet but I wanna try and put a soft pink lip liner around it and do an ombre lip with it.
This is Black Sesame and isn't black but infact..grey :P Again, i think it'sa pretty cool colour but I'd need to have a bit of a tan to stop it making me look really scary. I'd also like to try this as an ombre lip to make it a tad more wearable but it goes on really smooth and sits rteally nice on.
Now this coconut colour is probably the least wearable out of them all but I bought it on the basis that it could sit under other colours in order to make them much bolder when on my lips because there are some lipsticks that I own that aren't very vibrant on their own. I'd also maybe use this to illuminate the middle of my lips but it's something I'd have to experiment with.
And finally this is Chambord one colour I've been looking for forever! I don't know why but I've just been fascinated with black lipstick recently in a sort of chic way. I wish I could have gotten my hands in a matte version but this will do for now and I've been looking up a whole load of tutorials on ways to use it so I'm excited to give a few a try.
So heres a picture of all the colours swatched together so you can see how they look beside one another.
I wish I could comment on the lasting power of these lipsticks but I haven't had chance to wear them yet due to my face swelling but in future I'll come back and edit this post to include how well the lipsticks back and wether or not it is helped through the use of lip liners etc.
All in all I'm thrilled with these lipsticks and I'm definitely interested in buying the remaining 7 I need to complete the collection and with services such as MyUS to deliver them I will be looking to buy them as soon as possible.
I hope this helps anyone else in the UK looking to invest in the lipsticks, you can also find them on ebay for the likes for £12 but its actually cheaper to buy them in bulk and have them sent over from the states. Definitely worth the wait!
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