Thursday 8 January 2015

Christmas 2014

A very belated Merry Christmas to those of you reading this! I had hoped to post this particular entry last week but New Year activities and seeing friends meant I've had to leave sharing some of my favourite presents with you until now.

Christmas is a day me and my family really love and this year we decided to go all out and really enjoy ourselves. In our house the day usually involves a really early present opening session followed by a light prosecco breakfast and then the afternoon is spent relaxing (napping) and cooking the dinner in prep for early evening. We took the day slowly and in the evening were joined by friends of ours for a game night which is always a laugh. Family fortunes was quite an intense but hilarious affair.

I should mention before you see the photos that we start shopping for presents in October to take some of the pressure off and really upped our budgets on eachother this year so there are a few presents I want to share with you. It's not me bragging I just want to share with you some of the lovely things I got. With the make up in particular I'll do reviews later on to let you know how good they are.

I apologise for the surface these photos were taken on and the lack of lighting but times against me and I had to make do with what I had!

The trusty YSL box!!

The absolute best smelling perfume in the world!

I do have the brush for this palette it's just upstairs with my collection

As is the brush for this palette

I got two of this palette because I've been going on about it for months and so two of my friends decided to put me out of my misery!
I could sniff this palette for life it smells that damn good

Yet another eyeshadow palette, this one I bought for myself because I always miss the Urban Decay limited edition palettes and because I get discount through my work. Not sure how to wear all the colours so I'm gonna have to play around with it but I love the jewell tones this offers. Got my sister one of these for her Christmas as well.

Cute present from my sister for my office
My sister got these shipped over ,the third colour is my absolute favourite to wear when I have pink through my hair. Swatched below!

Me and my sister absolutely love the film New York Minute and Ashley Olsens character 'Jane' had this organiser she basically lived out of in the film. My mum and dad got me and Lisa these for Christmas because we've been obsessed with them ever since. Mine has been used a tonne since I got it.

The following are a bunch of books from my Amazon Wishlist that I really wanted:

This is one of my old uni books and it gives me the worst flashbacks even though the book itself is amazing!
Pattern blocks! At last!!

Another uni book that was amazing

I went a little mental with wanting shoes and handbags this year as well and my work had these crazy sales on in the lead up to Christmas which totally prompted me to buy some of these! I was good and didn't wear them until Christmas though...

Julien MacDonald bag from Debenhams
Faith handbag from Debenhams
 Freaking amazing army boots that I LOVE and stop me falling over in the snow and ice

If anyone wants and inside views of the books or any of my opinions on them then leave a comment and I'll put up a post on the particular item. I've ordered a whole load of books off amazon since Christmas that are starting to arrive and I think are really good for fashion students to hear about and have a read of so I'll get those up in the future as well.

Have a good day!

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