Sunday 21 April 2013

Back for a week

So the easter holidays are over and it's back to Galashiels for a week. This post comes to you from a matress on the floor in a friends house, I'm kipping here tonight in order to make a 10am presentation slot tomorrow.

To describe the scene there are 5 of us, books everywhere, Britney Spears playing dully in the background to help drown out a constantly moving printer churning out pages and pages of tables and graphs and several cups of half drained coffee scattered around the room.

The cause of the commotion? A presentation and report on Production Management including testing methods, factory layouts and other fun things like SMVs and Line balancing. Who says fashion is easy eh?

To put it lightly, my trip to Tesco for a healthy dinner resulted in the purchase of two cans of red bull, a box of croissants and a concealer stick to cover the evidence of what is going to be a very poor nights sleep.

So in under 12 hours time I will be face-to-face with my lecturer trying to explain what it is exactly that I've been doing for the past two months whilst trying to sound enthusiastic and confident about a subject I'm honestly sick to the back teeth of.
It has never been an ambition of mine to control a factory, ensure my workers are paid enough and it deffinately isn't on my agenda to set up an AQL about how often I should be testing garments in mass manufacture.
51 pages my rambling has managed to get me and hopefully the work will be worth it!

At least I have this weekend to look forward to, me and some family and friends are off to a caravan site for a few days to let off some steam before I'm subjected to a 3 hour exam on the future of textiles.

Heres some of the fun stuff I'm dealing with!

Right laugh huh?

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