Sunday 22 February 2015

Some Sunday Time

Sundays are my favourite day of the week.

Recently I've been so busy at work that I'm basically living for the weekends, there are many 20-somethings like me who find themselves now in the world of work, earning money for their weekend blowouts or that holiday they so desperately need and find themselves in a 7 day cycle of working, getting drunk and beating the hangover before Monday morning. I myself haven't had a chance since 2014 to have a really proper blow out yet so I'm in the lucky position that my Sundays have been relatively hangover free and have therefore provided me with the chance to pursue other activities...

Needless to say every weekday just now starts at 6:17am and ends at 5pm and on top of that I now attend fitness classes in some evenings so having a little me-time is nearly impossible. 

Sunday is the one day of the week I like to do absolutely nothing and take some time to chill out and enjoy little things I don't usually get to do like watch a movie or read a book, activities that may seem so trivial to some of you but are an absolute luxury when they come about.  

Today I've watched a lot of movies, some TV on Netflix and just really appreciated my bed. I can't stress to you all how important I think it is to just take a little time to yourself and assess where you are in life.

My friend has recommended some new books for me to read (see photo above) and I'm dying to get lost in them and review them for you on here. When I was younger my weekends off school pretty much consistent of relentless reading even though I just read and re-read all of the Harry Potter books. 

So that was my day today. I had hoped to write a few more blog posts for you all although I do have quite a few drafts on here ready to go live but I'm holding off for now due their more personal nature.

Until next time! I'm off to get a coffee and start reading these Grimm Brothers Fairy Tales!


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