Tuesday 22 April 2014

Huge news!

As a fashion student faced with the prospect of graduation you start to feel immense pressure regarding your future.

In a previous blog post I sang praises for my universities careers department who have truely been wonderful in helping me think about my future and also I've spoken of my mentor Lindsay who has offered me no end of fantastic advice.

I should mention that I live at home with my parents, have several good friends here in Scotland and a thriving student overdraft that needs to be dealt with. This causes a problem.

It is no secret that in the UK most of the jobs are in England. There are several thriving garment industries in the likes of Manchester and Sunderland and whilst Scotland has the borders with their mills that supply wool to Chanel, it is definitely not on the same level.

In the past year I like many other Scottish fashion students have thought "screw it! I'll pack my bags, grab a train and head south, like a goose searching for sunshine" this is not rational when you're basically skint and serving coffees for a not so fabulous £250 a month and your student loan only has one precious pay out left.

Basically I've taken a very grown up decision and decided I cannot risk flocking south with no financial support in search of a job that may not exist.

Which is why I'm happy to announce that I managed to somehow land a visual merchandising job at my work at full time hours, a proper salary and all the benefits that come with that!

Whilst the dream is still a life in London as a garment technologist this is the best possible start to my life after uni that I could have wished for, my biggest fear was being out of full time education and stuck working 8 hours a week whilst battling for full-time work basically anywhere.

I'll have a full time wage,be doing a job that relates to my degree, getting to stay at home and most importantly be able to start saving for my future!

Many of you will think this is a very 'safe' option and you're probably right, I won't have any thrilling stories to tell anytime soon of late shipments or upheaval in the sewing workshop as models are late and machines don't work but instead I'll have stories of me being genuinly happy for the forseeable future until I can afford to make that leap.

I have one exam left and then I start the new job. If there's one thing for my readers to take from this it's that there is at least one fashion graduate out there who has managed to start making something of herself after university and I can't wait to blog about it all for you!

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